Wednesday, February 4, 2015

January Update

Happy New Year!

Well it's February, I guess we already 1/12th into it!  I hope that everybody has started well and is feeling mainly fresh after a holiday with awesome weather.

We have been easing ourself back into routine and with school going back this week, I think we are there.  We had our first family camping trip to Glendhu Bay last weekend and it went much better than I had anticipated. In fact I am now open to becoming a 'camping family'!  Wow. 

Matai enjoyed the time away.  He initiated a new word 'cold',  which he used a lot when swimming in the lake, and which he later transferred to eating yoghurt (favourite food) here at home.  It has been nice to hear him use a word that we haven't been working on or looking for and more of these are creeping in. 

So new words and topics/concepts that have come out of our 6 week break are:

cold/hot, wet, swimming, beach, tent, towel, togs, sunblock
present (the opening kind)
raining, windy,

I have included some photos below that you are very welcome to print and use with Matai if you wish.  He just love love loves photos with things and people he knows!!





(a very conveniently placed hand!  Matai now likes to get his teddy and say '1, 2, 3' and throw him into the air)


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